Sunday, May 5, 2013

Printmaking project

Creating this print was a pain. The easiest part of this whole process was coming up with design. Actually printing the design was the hard part. The linoleum was easy to carve into, but hard to hold when I was printing. Because the linoleum is easy to cut into, its really easy to make a mistake and cut too deep or in the wrong spot. I think I succeeded in cutting the grass and fur correctly. It was a challenge cutting the fur though. I tried to cut whiskers but after I did the first whisker, I stopped because it looked so out of place and weird. The fur did add value and the thick white outlines I made added good contrast. Printing the linoleum onto paper was a pain because I had to figure out exactly how long to keep the linoleum on the paper and how much paint would make the print look right. I learned that when you add contrast to a painting or piece of art, you can see things better and make certain things stand out more. Although I struggled throughout this project, I did enjoy it!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Stencil Project

I really liked doing this stencil project only because of the spray painting. Even though I messed up with the spray painting a little. Cutting the poster was hard to do and it took a while to do. I do like the colors I used to make this stencil of my little sister. It took a while for me to draw each color and which parts I needed to cut out. I think my project is really good for someone who had no prior experience with spray paint. I think if I did this project again I would be more careful when i spray paint, and I would try and line up the posters accuratley.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Contour Line Shoe Drawing

I remember the first time that I did a contour line drawing, and it wasn't pretty. The first week of class I remember having to draw a shoe to the best of our abilities and my shoe looked like a third grader drew it. I'd say that my drawing with shoes has very much improved because before i didn't even draw the laces realistically. I know my shoe drawing doesn't look very much like the actual shoe but it's the best i can do. I'm actually proud of myself for this shoe drawing because i know it's better than what other people can do. I think contour line drawing in general helped make me become a better artist in the sense that I can actually draw a hand with realistic fingers now.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

iPad Value Study

I had a fun time drawing on the ipad. Using the ipad, erasing something was easier than using oil pastels because you can't really erase completly. It was also easier to blend colors using the ipad. The only thing I didn't like about the ipad was that I couldn't get a good control on like forming the shapes of the cone and square. The oil pastels are really messy to use, but i could form the outline better. It was easier using oil pastels because it didn't require so many other task like: making new layers each time i finished the value of a shape, sending it to other places, saving the picture every five minutes incase something goes wrong with the ipad. I now know how to make values of one color and I learned how to make a shape look 3D by showing what point of it is being hit by the light. Techonolgy is useful and important to art because it can maybe make art more appealing and its easier for people to see. Like if you sent your artwork off somewhere people can zoom in and out to get the most detail out of it.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Skeleton Cartoon Drawing

Chicken Little's skeleton was really hard to come up with. I had to figure out whether a certain bone would be bigger or smaller than the others. His beak was really hard to come up with. I think that the position that Chicken Little is in is what made drawing the bone structure harder. The only thing i had to really modify was his chest, because its really small so i had to make the rib cage smaller. Its the same with his arms and legs because they are also really tiny. I exaggerated his cockscomb by adding bones inside of it. I learned that drawing bone structures for animated characters is really hard. I really learned how to be more creative and draw the bone structure. I don't really like this drawing i have done. I only like the rib cage and the left arms bones.