Sunday, May 5, 2013

Printmaking project

Creating this print was a pain. The easiest part of this whole process was coming up with design. Actually printing the design was the hard part. The linoleum was easy to carve into, but hard to hold when I was printing. Because the linoleum is easy to cut into, its really easy to make a mistake and cut too deep or in the wrong spot. I think I succeeded in cutting the grass and fur correctly. It was a challenge cutting the fur though. I tried to cut whiskers but after I did the first whisker, I stopped because it looked so out of place and weird. The fur did add value and the thick white outlines I made added good contrast. Printing the linoleum onto paper was a pain because I had to figure out exactly how long to keep the linoleum on the paper and how much paint would make the print look right. I learned that when you add contrast to a painting or piece of art, you can see things better and make certain things stand out more. Although I struggled throughout this project, I did enjoy it!